Daily VisitsPlease complete the registration information below.We encourage you to register at least one week in advance so that we may customize your visit and meet your requests. Incoming PSEO students - please indicate on your reservation form that you are interested in PSEO at UMR. Please review the PSEO website for eligibility and requirements prior to signing up for a visit.If interested in any of our Accelerated Programs, please indicate your interest in the, “Please let us know if you have additional requests” box.If you are a Transfer Student, we kindly ask you not to sign up for a visit, but complete a Transfer Inquiry Form instead. An Admissions Representative will connect with you personally for further information. If you have any questions please contact the Admissions Office at 1-877-280-4699 or ApplyUMR@umn.edu.Legend:AvailableUnavailable / FilledNot Scheduled